In my previous article I went through a lesser known method of using Multicall2 to perform batch requests to Ethereum. This method however had two limitations:
- Multicall2 contract has to be deployed on target network
- Data requirement can’t be dependent, i.e.
getThreshold(msg.sender, getBalance(msg.sender))
That caught the attention of DrGorilla, who graciously shared his method of data retrieval during contract creation.

Returning values during contract creation doesn’t do much on its own, but when combined with eth_call
, application specific contracts for data retrieval can now be crafted, without deploying them!
Basically, this method allows you to retrieve data in any shape way or form, without deploying anything!
I thought this was really cool so I thought I’d write an article about it.
Returning Data in Constructor
Normally, you can’t return anything in the constructor, but with a little assembly
magic, we’re able to do so. Credits to DrGorilla for this.
constructor(...) {
MyType memory returnData = getSomeData(...);
// insure abi encoding, not needed here but increase reusability for different return types
// note: abi.encode add a first 32 bytes word with the address of the original data
bytes memory _abiEncodedData = abi.encode(returnData);
assembly {
// Return from the start of the data (discarding the original data address)
// up to the end of the memory used
let dataStart := add(_abiEncodedData, 0x20)
return(dataStart, sub(msize(), dataStart))
With that, we are able to retrieve values from the constructor, and decode it quite easily with defaultAbiEncoder
ENS Example
Suppose given a list of addresses, we’d like to retrieve its ENS address. To do so, we first have to:
- Locate the resolver
- Query
on the resolver
The data is dependent as we can’t do step 2 without the data from step 1.
constructor (address[] memory addresses) {
string[] memory r = new string[](addresses.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
bytes32 node = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(ADDR_REVERSE_NODE, sha3HexAddress(addresses[i])));
// Get resolver for address
address resolverAddress = ens.resolver(node);
if (resolverAddress != address(0x0)) {
Resolver resolver = Resolver(resolverAddress);
// Get name
string memory name = resolver.name(node);
if (bytes(name).length == 0) {
bytes32 namehash = Namehash.namehash(name);
address forwardResolverAddress = ens.resolver(namehash);
if (forwardResolverAddress != address(0x0)) {
Resolver forwardResolver = Resolver(forwardResolverAddress);
address forwardAddress = forwardResolver.addr(namehash);
if (forwardAddress == addresses[i]) {
r[i] = name;
Note: The code snippet is retrieved from this contract address
We can then create the payload for eth_call
and decode the results like so:
// Obtain the bytecode needed tp deploy contract
const { data } = FreeENSFactory.getDeployTransaction(ADDRESS_WITH_ENS)
// `eth_call`
const retDataE = await provider.call({ data })
// Format it to ens names
const ensDomains: string[] = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string[]"], retDataE)[0]
ensDomains.forEach((x, idx) => {
console.log(`${ADDRESS_WITH_ENS[idx]} => ${x}`)
Which will yield:
$ ts-node scripts-ts/ens.ts
0x8858Ea3b4080bCf6d7B6f5189daE9d8914027Bd0 => xaixvault.eth
0x57001BD30496045ACb1E9bBd507440b301C1d9E3 => bbb.eth
0x60516a59443acc6635B1c952544337De7Cb70eb1 => tb12.eth
0x2536c09E5F5691498805884fa37811Be3b2BDdb4 => xaix.eth
Your contract (including calldata) can only be a maximum of 24kb.